Your donation will help MHA provide services throughout Western Massachusetts to people impacted by mental illness, developmental disabilities, substance use disorder and homelessness.
Recovery is not a cure. It is not a destination, a finish line, or something neatly summarized in a treatment plan. Rather, recovery is a process, and it is unique and intimately personal for each person going through it.
Within the individual who has experienced trauma, homelessness, psychiatric diagnosis, or problems with substances, there lies unlimited potential for growth. So rather than ask, "What does recovery mean," MHA chooses to ask, "What makes recovery possible?"
We believe each person needs the right environment for the process of recovery to take hold and move forward. Through our clinical services and residential programs for persons in recovery, MHA provides an environment of learning and support. Recovery is not only possible, it's happening.
For more information about the MHA Substance Use Programs contact us.
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